
Amazon Advertising
Quality! Results!

Experience a well-rounded marketing campaign on the world’s most powerful shopping site – Amazon.
Put your products in baskets now with Significant.

What is an Amazon marketing strategy?

Useful for more than just fast delivery and nifty products you didn’t know you needed, Amazon is also a great place to advertise your business. Just like Google, Bing, YouTube and other platforms, this channel is another form of real estate waiting ready for the taking.

So what is this marketing effort, and how does it work?

Essentially, this form of advertising is a group of actions that are designed to promote and sell your products on this hugely influential shopping website. But the challenge is, it’s often hard to get your offering seen, especially with growing competition flooding the space. We help you cut through the clutter and reach your prospective customers, landing more sales and money in your pocket.

What is an Amazon marketing strategy?

Useful for more than just fast delivery and nifty products you didn’t know you needed, Amazon is also a great place to advertise your business. Just like Google, Bing, YouTube and other platforms, this channel is another form of real estate waiting ready for the taking.

So what is this marketing effort, and how does it work?

Essentially, this form of advertising is a group of actions that are designed to promote and sell your products on this hugely influential shopping website. But the challenge is, it’s often hard to get your offering seen, especially with growing competition flooding the space. We help you cut through the clutter and reach your prospective customers, landing more sales and money in your pocket.

What it includes

In the beginning, we’ll utilise our SEO wizardry to tweak all products in your suite so that they’re visible and engaging on this platform. This ensures you’re well-positioned to gain traction on the site, especially as it has its own trends and existing ecosystem.
From there, we’ll use external channels, where needed, to tie directly into the platform and promote your offering. On top of this, we’ll roll out PPC campaigns if we see it’s beneficial for your brand and complement it with other forms of advertising – like content or email marketing.

Our Happy Clients


Far far away, behind the word Mountains far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmark
Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line
Marks and devious Semikoli but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.
Far far away, behind the word Mountains far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmark
Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line
Marks and devious Semikoli but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.
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